This article includes information about how to use and customize settings, and searching and filtering tools in master view and detail view of the different apps.
4. Change List view to Grid view
In most of apps, a master table including the main items appears in the master view. Every table, in its top next to the headline, show into parenthesis (n) the number of items in the app. Different data is included in form of columns. These columns are different in each application according to the items used. For example, My Projects' master table includes: Unique Reference, Title, Construction Type, Project Type, Location, Author of creation, Date of creation, Author of changes, Date of changes. But these columns can be customized in Settings button.
1. Move the columns
To reorder the columns, click on the column header and drag it.
By dragging the green line between fields, you can resize the column.
2. Sorting and Filtering by a specific data (column)
Click on a column header to open a pop-up a window for sorting by ascendance or descendance (numeric and/or alphabetic) or filtering by any alphanumerical value.
2.1 Using "Adapting Filters".
Click on the tab over the headline of the list.
Fill any of the desired search fields and click on Go button to apply the filters to the searching.
Some apps enable editing these filters. Click on Adapt Filters button.
Select the desired filters and click on OK button to apply them in the Default Filters or saving a variant.
3. Clear filters
To clear the filters applied, click on the filter icon placed on the upper right-side ribbon.
4. Change List view to Grid view
To change the view of the items listed to a grid view, click on Grid view button placed on the upper right-side ribbon.
5. Hide columns
To remove or add a column, click on settings button.
A pop-up window will open where you can select the data for showing in the master table. Click on OK button.
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