In Users app you can create a new account users for those new participants in your company projects. Additionally, here you can assign or modify user's roles in different organization units in order to regulate its management and access to the project data.
- You must have a account and a role with access to Users app using "Edit +View" authorization. Roles can be assigned to users in Users app. To modify a role, use Roles app.
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Log in your account.
2. On Account Launchpad, click on Users tile.
3. Click on Add button.
4. A pop-up window will open. Fill the mandatory fields and click on Add button.
5. The newly created user appears in the master table. Select it to open its detail view and click on Add Role button.
- The Account Role will define the rights of the users in the platform.
6. A pop-up window will open. Fill the mandatory data and click on Save button.
- A user can have different roles at different organization units and in different period. The user can have cumulative access permissions at any time derived from the roles assigned.
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